Monday, June 15, 2009

Personal Training: Online Distance Education

The Aerobics and Fitness Association of America has expanded its educational opportunities for personal trainers through its new Distance Education Center.

The DEC allows participants to study select online courses from any Internet-enabled computer and interact with AFAA's instructors and guest lecturers through forums, chat and teleconferencing capabilities.

The core mission of the AFAA DEC is to provide comprehensive cognitive and practical education for fitness professionals, grounded in research, reflecting a commitment to quality distance education that upholds safe and effective fitness practice.

The DEC currently offers two courses now available for enrollment:

  1. Personal Fitness Trainer Online Preparatory Course
  2. Telexercise® Resistance Training Course.

With the enrollment in either course, participants are offered a host of online study tools that can help them prepare and successfully complete the course. The educational support includes:

  • Multitraining Live™ a technologically driven study group resource to assist the participant in preparing for their course(s) with full-featured, flexible web conferencing software, video chat server, and webinar training applications
  • DEC Forums — a technology platform that allows comprehensive interactions between participants and AFAA instructors.
  • Library — along with references within course materials, AFAA has provided additional databases and resources for full-text journal articles, online and through local libraries.

Upon successful completion, each course is worth 18 AFAA Study Units. To learn more, view AFAA's Distance Education Catalog:

Or visit to enroll.

Monday, October 20, 2008

How to Become a Certified Personal Trainer

In a world that is continuing to grow larger and larger, in waistlines that is, the need for quality certified personal trainers is only going to continue to grow. Indeed, economics teaches the relationship between price and demand, and it is no wonder that personal trainers are becoming a highly sought after career field given both the trends in society and the good wages that are associated with the work. Acquiring a personal training certification, however, is not as easy as going to the gym and showing the management how hard you can lift weights. Rather, it is an intensive educational course designed to give personal trainers the knowledge they need in order to ensure their success when dealing with clients.

Completing this course can be demanding for some, since it not only requires a mind that is devoted to physical training, but also one that is willing to learn various aspects about the human body and other topics that are necessary in order to become a trainer. Obtaining a personal trainer certification is quite an accomplishment that shows your hard work and dedication towards the field you have chosen to enter into, and going about working towards that certification should not be taken lightly.

In order to help you acquire this certification, AFAA provides online coursework, resources, and an invaluable 3 day workshop that all work together to provide you with the tools you need in order to accomplish your goal of becoming a certified personal trainer. For more information, please visit our main website at:

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Working in Fitness

Not everyone wants to work in a cubicle, punching numbers and dealing with the same old tasks day in and day out. It is only natural to want to mix things up and get into a career field that you enjoy, one where each work day is different and exciting. If you’re that type of person and you enjoy fitness and exercise, entering into the personal training career field might be something to examine.

Becoming a certified personal trainer isn’t easy, but it can be extremely rewarding. Not only can the job be fun and exciting as you deal with new clients and new challenges on a daily basis, each with unique needs and goals, but you also have the ability to truly change lives and watch people transform in front of your eyes. Indeed, being a certified personal trainer can be an incredibly rewarding experience.

If you think you might be interested in obtaining a personal trainer certification, look to AFAA for the resources you need in order to become a successful trainer in this exciting and rewarding career field. With the tools you need, including information on personal training, 3 day workshops, and online courses, you can prepare yourself for the personal training certification course that is required for becoming a personal trainer. Give yourself a boost and utilize the resources available to you at AFAA. For more information, please visit our main website at the following link:

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Personal Training as a Career Opportunity

So, you enjoy fitness. There is nothing like going on a good run or hitting those weights for hours on end. After that good workout you head home and put together a healthy meal to keep the body running at top speed. You like to keep your body in peak physical condition. After all, not only is it likely to be healthy, but the double takes from passer-bys is definitely appreciated as well. In any case, if you’re an individual who enjoys fitness and good nutrition, or if you enjoy helping others to do the same, then becoming a certified personal trainer might be something that you would want to look in to.

Obtaining a personal training certification is no easy task, and rightly so. The expectations put on personal trainers can be very demanding, particularly since you are working directly with the fitness and livelihood of your clients. You will be expected to take your clients and work with them on a personal level to meet their fitness goals, to include putting together exercise plans that can help them on their way. All of this requires a lot of knowledge about fitness, diet, and how the body works. Combine that with a good personality and some motivation, and you might just be on your way to being a successful personal trainer.

If you would like to help others fulfill a healthy lifestyle and make some good money in the process, becoming a certified personal trainer might just be for you. So look over the resources that AFAA has to offer on what it takes to become a personal trainer and start changing lives. For more information, please visit our main website at the following link:

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Personal Trainers: Job Qualifications

For those interested in possibly pursuing a career as a personal trainer, the questions that will first arise include the pay and what is required and expected of a personal trainer. To address the first question, the pay depends largely on where the trainer is employed. The hourly wage of a personal trainer is usually very high, often beginning at $25 per hour for starter jobs. Establishing a solid client base, expanding your own training certifications, and essentially making a name for yourself is all a part of making personal training a profitable career.

As for requirements, a personal training certification is usually needed in order to be employed as a personal trainer. This is a demanding certification that, once obtained, displays the individuals obtained knowledge about the various aspects of personal training that might be expected of them once they become a certified personal trainer. These expectations can include muscle composition, anatomy, knowledge of various aerobic and anaerobic fitness exercises, and nutrition.

Of course, any successful personal trainer would be quick to advise that there are other intangibles that should be emphasized in order to be successful as a certified personal trainer. Be sure to work on your interpersonal skills, ability to establish and maintain professional relationships with your clients, and the ability to motivate your clients in a positive way to help them to achieve their training goals. For more information, please visit our main website at the following link:

Thursday, September 4, 2008

What is a Personal Trainer?

Personal training is a career field that can involve many different work-related demands depending on where you are employed. Some personal trainers deal solely in one-on-one training with clients where they are focusing on addressing the areas that the client would like to target. Other personal trainers work with groups, such as athletes or training classes. Some jobs may require you to take this even further and combine your knowledge of fitness and training with proper diet and nutrition. After all, the only way to properly promote a fit, healthy lifestyle is to combine it with a good diet.

As one can easily see, being a personal trainer is no easy task. As you would expect, obtaining a personal training certification can be quite demanding, particularly due to the variety of expectations that can be placed on the trainer depending on the employer and needs of the client. Personal trainers are expected to be knowledgeable in all aspects of anatomy, muscle compositions, fitness, exercise, and of course, motivation.

Obtaining a personal trainer certification is demanding, but there are tools to help you in your quest, and AFAA can provide you with the tools you need if you are interested in becoming a certified personal trainer. For more information, please visit our main website at the following link:

Monday, August 25, 2008

Tips for Receiving Your Personal Training Certification

Personal training, as a career field, is one that is quickly growing. It is no wonder really, especially given the high demand for this service as eating habits have become increasingly out of control and people are learning that their health is at stake if measures aren’t taken. When people realize this and decide to finally go to the gym, they soon realize that they don’t know what they are doing and can find themselves lost or out of place. Given these circumstances, a personal trainer is an invaluable resource and one that is highly sought after in today’s society.

For those looking to acquire a certification as a personal trainer, it is important to understand that it is a step that can not be taken lightly, but rather is a major step in your life. It requires comprehensive and demanding coursework and, once completed, will help you to handle the responsibilities of a personal trainer.

Obtaining the license is not easy, and it is important to take steps to make your life a little easier and increase your chances of success. Tips for getting your personal training certification include taking advantage of the tools at Here, you will be able to find incredible resources on personal training including information on the career. Also, you will have access to online courses that you can take to help prepare you for the challenge ahead of obtaining your personal trainer certification.